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Accidental Attachment - Max Monroe Book Cover

A successful writer accidentally sends her new (and super-dreamy) editor the wrong manuscript. Instead of the full-length paranormal novel she promised Longstrand Publishing, she sends the fan fiction she’s written about her crush…on him—including every detail of the hot, steamy “physical activity” she’s fantasized about happening between them.

And Chase Dawson may be the hottest man alive and a super-talented editor to boot, but he’s completely oblivious that he’s the star of the manuscript he just convinced his boss to green-light.

Brooke Baker has been through a lot in her thirty-one years of life.

A divorce.
A career change.
A move to New York City from “small-town” Ohio.
Not to mention, she has a bit of a medical condition that involves occasional fainting spells, mild embarrassment, and the companionship of her adorable service dog and canine sidekick, Benji.

But none of it has prepared her for this.

None of it prepared her for Chase Dawson.

Strong jaw, blue eyes, cut muscles, and a perfect swoop of superhero-worthy black hair, Chase’s features are those of a book boyfriend and then some. Obviously, Brooke would know—she literally filled an entire manuscript with it.

A manuscript no one was ever supposed to see.

Will she survive two months of revising and editing the sizzling romance she imagined with Chase in extremely close quarters with him? Or will the constant white lies and overwhelming attraction make her spontaneously combust?

Buy the Book!

Kindle | Paperback | Audio (Coming soon! Narrated by CJ Bloom & Joe Arden}

My Thoughts:

It’s no secret that I love romance. And if a romance can make me laugh? It’s even better! The slow burn is well worth the wait to get to the good stuff with Brooke and Chase. It helps us develop a deeper appreciation for Brooke’s quirks, Chase’s gooey, sweet center, and Benji’s ability to add loveable, animal humor. The character development gained throughout the book makes you feel as though you’re riding along for the adventure with this trio.

Brooke makes me laugh at how she’s like a snowball rolling down a hill – once she starts, she’s hard to stop! This includes everything from her overthinking to her work. Chase is the calm to her storm and her greatest supporter – openly and without reserve. To have an editor who thinks you hung the moon must be quite amazing! Animal sidekicks are often built up beyond the characterization they portray on the pages, but Max Monroe does an excellent job of including Benji with bouts of humor and plenty of eye rolls at his owner’s antics.

One of my favorite side plots was the adventure of Brooke searching for the dog that Benji had met at the park. How cute and fun is it to be matchmaking dogs?! It also gives us the setup for a future plot regarding Brooke’s sister.

I would have enjoyed seeing more work involving Brooke and Chase on her book edits. An experience between the two of them while reading a book written about them would have made for a few interesting scenes. Overall though, I loved this book and plan on ordering a hard copy for my shelf!

I received a complimentary ARC for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own.

About the Authors:

Many moons ago, a dynamic duo of romance authors teamed up under the pseudonym Max Monroe, and, well, the rest is history…

Max Monroe is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of more than thirty contemporary romance titles. Favorite writing partners and long time friends, Max and Monroe strive to live and write all the fun, sexy swoon so often missing from their Facebook newsfeed. Sarcastic by nature, their two writing souls feel like they’ve found their other half. This is their most favorite adventure thus far. ​

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