#psychologicalthriller #thriller

Lest She Forget

by Lisa Malice

Virtual Book Tour

Haunted by a forgotten past. Hunted by a ruthless killer. No one to save her but herself.

After surviving a car crash, Kay Smith wakes from a coma with amnesia, a battered face, and no one to vouch for her identity. Her psychiatrist is convinced that her memory loss is connected to the horrific flashbacks and nightmares haunting her. As she digs for clues to her past, Kay uncovers a shady character following her every inquiry. Who is he? And what does he want from her?

As Kay’s probes deepen, she realizes that everyone around her has deadly secrets to hide—even her. Emerging memories, guilty suspicions, and headline-screaming murders push Kay to come out of the shadows and choose: will she perpetuate a horrendous lie or risk her life to uncover the truth?

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Praise for Lest She Forget:

“Lisa Malice’s debut, Lest She Forget, is filled with twists and turns that will leave you guessing until the very end!”

“Brimming with intrigue, Lest She Forget takes readers on a dark and twisted journey with surprises around every corner. It’s a thriller that grips you from the first page!”

“This twisty thriller takes you deep into Kay’s psyche, even as she runs for her life. Whoever you think this woman is, whatever you think she’s seen or done, prepare to be surprised!”

“Lisa Malice’s psychological thriller Lest She Forget is a tense and twisty debut, an intricately plotted story that grows more and more complex with each new revelation. Don’t even try to guess how this novel ends; just put yourself in Malice’s capable hands and enjoy the ride!”

“Lisa Malice turns an amnesia story on its head in this twisty, unique tale of intrigue, suspense and unexpected turns. You won’t be able to predict the next chapter, much less the ending.”

I often pride myself on being able to dissect a thriller/suspense/mystery novel early on as I get into the plot. That’s why the psychological aspect really amps up my excitement over a book. If I had been shopping in a bookstore, this book would’ve grabbed my attention simply based on the cover. When you glance it, you see one layer. But look a little closer and you’ll see the layers. It’s a fantastic omen to the storyline!

Kay Smith wakes up and everything seems askew. She’s not even positive that this is her name and the vibes of everyone around her is causing unease. Because of her uncertainty, I began feeling a connection to Kay. I wanted to protect her and prevent her from experiencing more trauma. Armed with her fake name and clues that aren’t adding up, Kay begins digging, exposing herself to more danger when her past collides with the present. Although the beginning seems a bit slow, as you hit mid-book, you’ll feel grateful for the journey as the bits and pieces fall into place. It also helps build the tension!

This is a fantastic psychological thriller! I felt my chest tighten and my breathing increase exponentially over and over again. I questioned every character, their motives, and actions. No one was safe from my scrutiny. If you want to give your psyche a workout, grab this book!

About the Author:

Lisa Malice earned her B.S. in psychology at the University of Minnesota, her M.S. and Ph.D. at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Her debut novel, Lest She Forget, a psychological thriller, was a finalist in five unpublished manuscript contests. Lisa is an active member of Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers, Mystery Writers of America, and the Authors Guild. A native of Minnesota, Lisa lived in the Atlanta area with her husband for nearly thirty years before moving to the Tampa area in 2019 to enjoy a life of sailing, fishing, and shelling on the Florida Gulf Coast. They have two adult children and a granddog.

Follow the Book Tour:

11/20 Guest post @ The Book Divas Reads
11/20 Showcase @ Silvers Reviews
11/21 Review @ Country Mamas With Kids
11/22 Interview @ darciahelle
11/22 Showcase @ Books, Ramblings, and Tea
11/23 Review @ Guatemala Paula Loves to Read
11/24 Review @ Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin
11/25 Review @ Book Reviews From an Avid Reader
11/26 Guest post @ The Mystery of Writing
11/27 Showcase @ Nesies Place
11/28 Review @ Review Thick & Thin
11/29 Review @ Novels Alive
11/29 Review @ Reading is my Superpower
11/30 Review @ Catreader18
12/01 Review @ fundinmental
12/04 Review @ Urban Book Reviews
12/05 Podcast interview @ Blog Talk Radio
12/05 Showcase @ Celticladys Reviews
12/06 Review @ Wall-to-wall Books
12/08 Review @ Lynchburg Reads
12/10 Review @ Paws. Read. Repeat
12/11 Showcase @ Archaeolibrarian – I Dig Good Books!
12/12 Review @ ashmanda. k
12/13 Showcase @ fuonlyknew
12/14 Review @ Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense

This is a giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Tours for CamCat Books and Lisa Malice. See the widget for entry terms and conditions. Void where prohibited.

The giveaway is for:   2 –  Lest She Forget by Lisa Malice, ARC

1 Comment

  1. YES! I read this one and felt exactly the same way!
    “I questioned every character, their motives, and actions.” ~ Yep!
    Great book <3
    Great review, thanks!

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