#ClementineCreek #smalltown #smalltownromance #brothersbestfriend #secondchance #agegap

“We’ve been hot and heavy, but this kiss is filled with a carnal need that is consuming every ounce of my being.”

Marlee Mackay thinks I didn’t want her but I could never forget the taste of her on my lips.

She was the girl next door.
A wild spirit with a heart of gold and a body made for sin.

And sin we did.

I was consumed by her.
For one night she was mine, then I had to let her go.

Now she’s back, and I’ll do anything to make her mine again.

Waylon Thayer wasn’t just my older brother’s best friend – he was my everything.

Until he wasn’t.
I knew the rules but he still broke my heart without a backward glance.

That was three years ago.

Being back home stirs up all those unrequited feelings I tried to put behind me.
Waylon may still have a smile that makes my knees weak but I’m different now.

I’m putting me first.

That was my plan but one kiss, one night in his arms ignites a fire inside me I can’t deny.

I can’t say no to Waylon Thayer but I’ll have to if he wont ask me to stay.

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My Thoughts:

Small town romances always claim my heart and this series is off to a great start of setting up a homeplace! As a brother’s best friend romance, I love the complications that come because of the dynamic of the relationships of those involved.

I’m a firm believer that regardless of how long it takes or the circumstances, two people who are meant to be will always find a way back to one another. Marlee and Waylon do just that — and it’s SO worth everything they go through. Marlee is one of those women I’d love to spend time around. She’s strong and relentless in finding her way – no matter what is thrown at her.

Waylon is completely swoonworthy — even though there are times he needs a little hard shake from time to time. His love for Marlee gives you that ooey gooey feeling from head to toe.

The slow burn is well worth every straining moment because it’s not just heat you’ll get with these two. It’s an entire inferno!

I received a complimentary copy for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own.

About the Author:

Alexandra Hale is a small town girl living with her family in Upstate New York. She routinely runs on caffeine, dry shampoo and thrives on procrastination.

A romance lover and reading enthusiast, Alexandra finally began putting pen to paper shortly after graduating college. An unobtainable dream has slowly become a reality with the love and support of her friends and family and the romance community.

She currently writes steamy, small town romance with a dash of lighthearted fun and happily ever afters that will make you swoon.

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