#BourbonCanyon #WalkerRoseRomance #SmallTownRomance #BachelorAuction #BestFriendsBrother

I won a date with the most eligible bachelor in Bourbon Canyon—except I wasn’t the one bidding.

Two of my best friends dragged me to a fundraiser and bid in my place. Tate Bailey isn’t just some mountain man bachelor the rest of town gushes about. He’s also the dad of one of my most troublesome fourth-grade students.

My only dealings with the divorced bourbon empire heir have been outlining the issues his son is having in school. Not exactly the best first impression—or second, third, and fourth.

The last thing I want is another rundown of everything my exes said was wrong with me, especially not from a rugged guy like Tate. But when I tell him he’s off the hook, he insists.

Fine. It’s only a date. Then I can go back to my dull life with my heart intact. Because there’s no way a guy like Tate would give up his bachelorhood for a boring, predictable, small-town teacher like me.

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Scarlett and Tate are a fun opening to Walker Rose’s new series! Thanks to her pushy friends (with well-meaning intentions!), Summer and Autumn, they push the pair into a date via a bachelor auction. Tate’s son is a former student of Scarlett’s and she’s had to meet with him several times about his behavior. But with his rambunctious son in the picture, is their relationship doomed before it even has a chance to start? Tate is a man with a big heart and you can easily tell how dedicated he is to his family. Scarlett is a sweetheart with a side of her that will cause you to cackle when she lets it loose. Her needlepoint work is hilarious! I’m excited to see Tate and Scarlett’s relationship develop, as well as the rest of the Bailey/Kerrigan family and their own stories!

About the Author

I live the dream in my own slice of paradise where I get to enjoy colorful sunsets from my rocking chair while I’m working. I have my very own romance hero with Mr. Rose and there’s more than a few little rose buds running around. A couple aren’t so little anymore! We keep things interesting with cats and a dog and the critters that roam through the yard (fingers crossed the mountain lions stay away).

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